To Alle Goode People
Bee it knowne that the renowned Musicians, DIABOLUS IN MUSICA,
At the requeste of very manie persons, both noble and base, have lately taken sundry fyne Jewells of Musick, made all in the dayes of oure late greate Quene, Elizabeth I, such as they are wont to shewe forth at the fynest Houses in the Lande. These they have played upon seaverall true Instrumentes of Musick, as were muche used in Elizabeths daye; and have encaptured the sounde therof, by wayes alchemicall, upon a silver platter, comenly clept a Seedy. This Seedy, then, hath bene enclosed within a proper Cheste, the whiche maye nowe bee had at but smal expense.
And though they bee Muse's Jewells, made of naught but sounde, and having no substance but aire, that they may not abide; yet anie persons that have the meanes may bring them forth at theyre commaund, to shyne a good houre before them, to theyre greate delighte.
A liste of the Jewells within the Cheste :
The Firste Parte
Item. THE BUFFENS, a French Sword Dance, uppon the shawm, curtal and drum
Item, GREENSLEEVES. uppon the aIto recorder and lute
Item, THE EARL OF ESSEX HIS MEASURES, uppon the hurdy-gurdy and guitar.
Item, GRIMSTOCK, AND SELLENGER HIS ROUNDE, uppon the hurdy-gurdy and guitar.
Item, THE FRENCH LAVOLTO, uppon the crumhorn and cittern.
Item, THE BRAUNSCHWEIGER, a fyne tune new come from
Alamanye, uppon the soprano recorder and cittern.
Item, LA BELLA GIOIOSA, uppon the hummelchen and Cittern.
Item, MASTER WILL KEMP HIS JIGG, uppon the alto recorder and guitar
Item, LA CONTRAPASSO, uppon the hummelchen and guitar
Item, WATKINS ALE AND WOLSEYS WILDE, uppon the sopranino recorder and guitar
Item, SUNDRY DANCES uppon the shepherds pipes and drum
The Second Parte
Item, THE GRAND DUKE OF MILAN HIS PAVAN AND GALLIARD, uppon the shawm, curtal and violin.
Item, KYNG HENRY HIS PAVAN, uppon the hurdy gurdy and guitar.
Item, TWO BRAWLS OF FRAUNCE, CALLED HORSES AND OFFICIAL, uppon the hurdy-gurdy and guitar.
Item, THE ITALIAN FLOWER DAUNCE, uppon the tenor recorder and lute.
Item, ALL IN A GARDEN GREENE, RUFTY TUFTY, AND GATHERING PEASCODS, three fyne countrey daunces, uppon the soprano recorder and cittern.
Item, SUNDRYE FRENCH GAVOTS, uppon the hummelchen and cittern.
Item, A RONDE CALLED MY FRIEND, uppon the shawm and curtal.
Item, THE QUARTER BRAWLS, A RONDE, AND THE KING HIS DAUNCE, uppon the hurdy-gurdy and guitar.
A few of these aires and fancies may be heard here.
Friend, if you should nowe have a grete desyre for these fyne Jewells, there is twoo meanes whereby youe maie obtaine one, thus:
The Fast waie - send word to mee at, with youre Addresse, and I shal informe you of a Coffer wherein you may throw youre Reals and Sovereigns.
The olde, slow waie, by Note of Hand and the Quenes Poste : Sende a requeste, youre Address, and a Cheque, payable to Paul Baker, to : Diabolus in Musica, 21 Oakfield Avenue, Kingswinford, DY6 8HJ.
Heere are the Prices :
Including delivery to the UK |
£11 |
Including delivery to mainland Europe |
£12 |
Including delivery to the USA |
£12.50 |
Other countries - please enquire |