Facebook Profiles
Diabolus in Musica has little or no control over the contents of these pages. The company disclaims all responsibility for content, etc.
Paul Baker
Regional Fora
Midlands Early Music Forum
North East Early Music Forum
Border Marches Early Music Forum
Eastern Early Music Forum
Thames Valley Early Music Forum
Southern Early Music Forum
South West Early Music Forum
Early Music Forum of Scotland
National Early Music Association
Early Music Network
The Lute Society
The Viola da Gamba Society
Hurdy Gurdy
The Bagpipe Society
Friends and Acquaintances
An authoritative source for information on the renaissance cornett, produced by me mate
Merrie Noyse - My mates Sue, Baz and Rod, who do jolly performances of early music to suit all tastes.
Heather Wastie
Composer, poet, and Soundbeam specialist
My old mate Mark Wheeler the Goth lutenist has gathered together a dodgy band of costumed
lunatics to perform depressing but enjoyable 16th century music. Very much like Diabolus really,
but with more attitude and in German. Well worth a visit.
The Night Watch
A pair of folkies turned early. Ecelctic and highly entertaining. I've spent many happy hours recording them.
Ian Pittaway
Medieval music specialist who plays a very impressive range of early instruments. Some of them made by me.
Everything you always wanted to know about Kingswinford. If you ever did, that is.
Musical Information Sites
Early Music FAQs
The big one, edited by Todd Michel McComb. No fancy graphics, just pure info and links to all
sorts of early music reference material.
Early Music Muse
A huge and thoroughly researched resource on a broad range of early music topics
Very erudite site on Baroque Music. Portraits and bios of composers and performers, music
samples, and bits on performance practice, 18th century organ-builders, all sorts of juicy
British Library Digitised Manuscripts
A huge source of manuscripts, from pre-medieval to 20th century, available online. Includes the Rutland Psalter.
"The world's favourite online classical music subscription offering listening, downloads, custom
CDs, and a huge resource of entertaining information to expand your classical music
A Musical Playground
Music theory lessons for kids.
Guide to Remote/Distance Learning Music
from Octane Seating (they make theatre seats). Sound advice on distance learning, and a huge list of useful links.
Musical Glossary for kids.
with links to more glossaries. Look up that weird Italian term.
Music Resource Guide for Students
All sorts of useful stuff.
Hand, Wrist, and Finger Positioning for Piano Players - lots of useful articles about getting your fingers in the right place at the right time.
WARNING - some of these sites are creepy and disturbing.
Corpses for sale
Toad Suck, Arkansas
Salad Fingers